Reedbed removal, Hertfordshire

Reedbed removal, Hertfordshire

We were contacted by a Local Authority about a reedbed removal and how we would remove excessive reed (typha latifolia) growth in two attenuation ponds on the front of a residential estate in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire.

After a site visit we proposed a works programme that would involve treating the reeds with an approved aquatic use herbicide, leaving them to die off and then removing them manually by hand becasue the ponds were lined.

The works were agreed and the reeds were treated on two seperate occasions a dry windless day, we then returned one month later and removed the dying reeds by hand over a 4 day period.

All reeds were then removed by a grab lorry to a registered waste site.

Why did we treat the reeds 1st rather than just cut them out?

The herbicide kills the reeds back to the root  where as cutting the reeds out will just make then spread and grow back again the following year.