Aerating fountain supply and installation in Enfield London for Tottenham Hotspur Football Club

Having supplied and installed the original aerating fountain for Tottenham Hotspur Football Club at their new training ground in Enfiled, London we have been retained on a regular basis to landscape and manage the pond.
In the spring of 2018 it was requested that we remove the aerating fountain and replace it with a larger version.
Again we chose an Otterbine aerating fountain this time it was a 5hp Sunburst. We have a close working relationship with Otterbine having been trained at their factory in the USA and feel they are the best on the market when it comes to aeration.
In the summer it was decided to install another smaller unit so again a fractional series was installed.
From the pictures you can also see how the landscaping has progress over the last few years.
Our London pond, lake and fishery aeration service can be contacted here: 02079932886 or feel free to have a look at our pond, lake and fishery aeration page to find out more.